July 9, 2009

Fueled By 3quine has a YOUTUBE!

 The "F" of Fueled got cut. XD. Haven't been posting in a while due to homework. I also haven't been riding enough this week. : \ . I miss Twisty and Glam :( Anyway! 

So Fueled By 3quine has a YOUTUBE! 

Soon we will be posting videos there and here and there. So you can view both :) . We just thought that we might get more people from youtube to view this blogsite. :) And vice versa. So, comments and reviews are most welcome from you, and have a nice evening! 


July 7, 2009

DuKaty’s Intro

Hey! Im DuKaty (aka HyperJics). Im writing a quick blog on me and my horses - Katy, Fast (okay, so he’s not mine... he’s my sisters, but I’m competing on him, too), Billy, and Arizona (recently retired, but hes the horse that gave me the idea of this blog). Ive been an equestrian since 2003 at the age of 9. I started competing at 12-years old and LOVIN every bit of it! Im doing .90m regularly, but Im trying to move to 1m. I have competed in 1m, but I havent been doing that well. Hopefully Ill be doing 1m (and maybe 1.10m) this show season. Im a bit too hyper for my own good, but I’m working on that ;)

So, Here are my great horses...

Name: Katy du Pasquier

Stable name: Katy/Kats

Breed: Selle Francais A

Origin: France

Color: Dark Bay

Gender: Mare (and a HOT one!)

Birthdate: April 13, 1998

Barn: Manila Polo Club

Loved since: FOREVER!!!

Likes: Spending time doing nothing, eating, jumping (non-spooky jumps), looking at myself in the mirror in the bullring, dogs, licking people, freaking out, sugar, music with energy, rolling, and all the fun things in life...

Dislikes: Water, rain, showers, water jumps, liver pools, dark corners, LITTLE KIDS, cats, loud noises, jumping lines, cross bars!

My best friend (horse): Fast - Hes my best friend, my neighbor, and my big brother ( no actual blood relation). I can always look up to him. I love being with him. Hes always so much fun... except that time he bit me, that wasnt that great... maybe he shouldnt be my best friend anymore... Nah, I still love

Name: Fast รก minuit

Stable name: Fast/Fasty

Breed: Anglo Arab

Origin: France

Color: Chestnut (almost an orange)

Gender: Gelding

Birthdate: I’m not too sure, I know its 1997

Barn: Manila Polo Club

Loved since: Ive been loved since birth

Likes: Peace and quiet

Dislikes: Spurs, people in my stall, and Katy trying to play with me while I’m eating

Name: Roman Kid

Stable name: Billy

Breed: Thoroughbred (I used to be a racehorse)

Birthdate: October 1997

Gender: Gelding

Origin: Australia

Color: Bay

Barn: Manila Polo Club

Likes: Rolling people off, eating everything but apples, shying from jumps, and doing nothing

Dislikes: Apples, getting shod (Its such a waste of time), spurs, and the color BLUE

Name: Arizona

Former name: Sapphira

Breed: Oldenburg

Birthdate: I dont know, someone lost my passport a long time ago, but Im retired so that says something

Gender: Gelding

Color: Chestnut

Barn: Tagaytay Highlands ( My new home)

Loved since: Since I met my great people

Likes: Eating all day

Dislikes: Doing work

Story: I came to the Philippines a long time ago, back then I was a dressage horse. Im told I was really good. Ive been though a lot, I was abandoned once, I developed arthritis, and even had to take care of little unexperienced kids. Ive had a long life, and now Im happy permanently out to pasture. Im thankful for all the experiences of my life whether up or down.

Each of these horses have been a blessing to me. They have each taught me very important things, not just in riding but also in life. I love them so much!!!



July 6, 2009

CrazyGelding signing in.

Hey guys, it's Andi here. Anyways, things aren't going well right now for me. :( I might not be able to ride for 2 days cause I HAVE A FREAKIN STY!!! OMG it's disgusting. Stupid contacts hahaha. Yea I'm really not used to not riding cause I ride everyday. :P I swear I need to ride. It's the only thing that keeps me sane ATM. :)

That's it. HAHAHAHA!


gabbieg's introduction!

hey guys gabbieg here. (or gab :>, i am a girl okay, just so you know) I'm the second youngest blogger of 3quine. so, i've been riding for about 7 years, i started when i was 8, according to my mom, but jumping since i was 12. I currently do the .75 meter classes with my AWESOME pony. i've been competing with him for a year or so, since i only got him last year. still working on the kinks. there's a lot to him that i still have to kinda figure out, and i have to do that soon cuz the seasons starting. i wanna jump him in the .90 meter class soon.

Show Name: Starbucks
Barn Name
: Chuckie

Previous Name
: Starburst - from starburst to starbucks. HAHA. he's a superstar.

: Anglo Cross breed

: gelding!

: i don't really know his real birthday... but he does have a fake "birthday" which is April 1.

: 14

Loved Since
: April 1 2008- one year! oh yeah

: ANYTHING EDIBLE. he loves food! he'll eat your phone too. /;)
pretending to pee. :|
: horses and ponies. ANTI-SOCIAL! he doesn't like twist for some reason. haha! he gets along with a few horse tho. being bugged when hes eating. (unless you have treats) certain sounds...?

more about CHUCKIE. Chuckie's my little not so little chubby pony. (hes like a big pony, but not a horse) he's also very photogenic, he loves the camera, always has a pretty face. He can be a hot horse or he can be very slow, it depends. hot n' cold. Also its pretty hard to graze him, he cant stay still, he'll drag me all over the grazing area and my hands would get pretty red. he sometimes gets really annoying, like he has this habit of "pretending to pee" and dragging me down. REALLY ANNOYING, but then he's my super horse.

July 5, 2009

CrazyGelding's Introduction, Yo!

My baby and I :) Our best show yet.

Hey guys. I'm CrazyGelding, one of the four bloggers of 3quine! You could probably say that I'm the most hyperactive rider you've ever met (especially when I'm with HyperJ) I've been riding for about 6-7 years now since I was about 7 and started to show when I was 12. I currently do .75m and .90m classes with my amaaaazing 16-year-old Thoroughbred Gazelle. I've been competing him since 07, and had him since 06! He's my one and only horse. He's beautiful, he's my best friend. He's got quite an attitude though, but I've learned to love it. :) I'm so excited for this season, since it's my last with Gaz cause I have to step up really soon to the meter classes. Check out my YouTube account for videos of him! http://youtube.com/user/buckingandi

Show name: Gazelle. - I AM NOT A GIRL!!

Barn name: Gaz. - I like my name. I know it too. Call me from anywhere and I'll look up and come to you. Especially if you have treats.

Previous Names: Urbano, or Urby for short. - Um. Thank God they changed my name.

Breed: Thoroughbred. - Ex-racehorse, my friend.

Color: Bay. - I are sexy.

Gender: Gelding. - I wonder how it feels like being a stallion. Buddy the stallion is my neighbor, and well, he's kinda lonely.

Birthday: Unknown. - Gosh just because I was a racehorse doesn't mean that I don't get no BIRTHDAY!! Andi thinks I'm 15-16 though.

Loved Since: June 29, 2006.

Favorite Treats: I will ONLY eat the chicken nugget looking treats made out of oats and carrots Andi gives me. I started to dislike carrots. I never liked apples and sugar cubes. Andi tried giving me a doughnut and cake but ECK gross man.

Favorite barn: Polo Club! I would love going on vacation to Andi's instuctor's farm though! I haven't been there in a long time. But Andi says I get to go there over the Christmas Break!

Favorite Activities:

Well of course this would be jumping. JUMP JUMP JUMP weehee I'll go over anything as long as the fences don't have weird things below them - I get scared!

Hey spooking is still forever fun. - Especially during shows where there are people, so they pay attention to me!

Refusing can be fun, but I get punished if I do. - Ooooh spooky jumps are scary.

Learning new things! - I recently learned how to do flying change! Andi taught me!! I feel good when I do it cause I get loads of pats and treats after!

Grazing! - Hmm grass.


Biting. - Beware. Tee hee.


I hate: Annoying ponies, annoying horses that are bigger than me, and annoying horses (any size). Flies. SPOOKY JUMPS!! When I need to pee in the bullring. I'm shy, I only pee in my stall! When they put me on the gag bit. IT HURTS!! Spurs are evil, but they're the only things that will get me going, so fine spurs are okay. APPLES. Gross. Heavy people. Cats, they always go to my stall and eat my feeds! The only people that can touch my behind is Andi and my grooms. If you do I will kick you!! Trotting poles are evil, they won't let you go faster! I LIKE FAST!!!! Jumps that are weird (tarps, liverpools, walls, and those little.. teeth things) CROSS COUNTRY - I will never ever do that ever because I don't think they're jump-able. I can get hurt!! I also hate when Andi tells me to shorten my strides cause I WANT FASTER GRRR. Circles are annoying, Andi puts me in one when I want to go fast. Sitting trot. Bareback. Scary sounds around the barn. Scary fast music. (When I first heard Boom Boom Pow I was so scared.) YOU!!!! >:|

I love: Food. My owner. Food. Jumping. Food. Me. Food. Me. ME.

Random stuffs about me: I used to be a REALLY hot horse. My previous owners weren't able to mount me in the bullring, they had to do it in the stall hahaha. But now, I guess I'm used to the place and I don't see the reason to be really hot anymore. I'm old, dang it. I used to buck loads. I don't like other horsies. Especially this big Chestnut near my stall, Rees, he bit me! I used to be a really good jumper, up until I got old. But Andi says I'm still pretty good. No, Andi says I'm the best. TEE HEE.

I just noticed I know so much about Gaz.

July 4, 2009

Lilacrymosa's Introduction


Hey Guys! This is Lilz speaking. I'm one of the 4 'Fueled By 3quine' members. And I'm the youngest among us here. :) That's a good thing. Together with my fellow 3quine sisters, Andi, GabbieG and most especially HyperJ(she thought of this) we are very much excited to start blogging about, a lot of stuff. So just sit back and relax. :)

Anyway, first things first. If you want to know more about me, just click my name under 'JUST HORSING AROUND' found in our profile cause I'm too lazy to say everything. Again. :D

So, the point of this blog entry is because we are going to be talking about our horses and our life when we started riding. You'll be getting this kind of blog entry from my fellow 3quine sisters too. :) Just to let you know.

I've been riding for about 4 years now under Mia Virata. She's like real awesome. And, I didn't get my first horse till I was 10. I started riding when I was 8. My first horse Twist. Her show name is Secret Fortune. Well, honestly, Twist is a pony. I don't really know her height but yeah. She's my first pony. Horse. Whatever. Twist is a New Zealand Arabian Cross, I think. I was never sure of her breed. I've competed to with Twist for a season and a half. Joined classes .65 and .75. Since Twist could only do those 2 classes, sadly. Then I got
to tall for her at the end of the season. It's annoying because, I love Twist very much. I'll miss competing with her. Just so you know, Twist is a really hot horse. I bet you guys know what we mean by hot right? Of course you do! Anyway, yeah. So that's one of my UH-MAZING horses.

  • name: Secret Fortune or Twist or Twisty
  • breed : New Zealand Arabian Cross
  • age: around 18 at the moment.
  • birthdate: I have no idea. I am a terrible owner. XD All papers are with my mom.
  • color : grey
  • origin: New Zealand.
  • likes: carrots, light-colored apples, sugar cubes, various horse treats, Tita Mia, cameras. She is very photogenic.
  • dislikes: really red apples, candy-cane jumps, oxers, flies, whips, thunder and lighting (occasionally) , people touching her ears.
  • friends: I don't know. But from what I know, she hates Glamour. XD and Chuckie. Since they keep on fighting. :D

The other one is Glamour. I've owned Glamour(GLAMOOR) since, this year. I got her..February, I think. The reason why I got Glam, was because, I needed to compete on a new horse for the next season. So, since I have out grown my wonderful pony, the only horse that was there, and was for sale was Glam. Don't get me wrong, Glam is awesome! She's really good, and easy. It's not like 'oh, since she's the only horse for sale, I'll just get her.' No, it was nothing like that at all. I had a hard time deciding if I should get her or not. :) I have been riding Glam for the whole summer now. Haven't been competing yet. It's off-season. But hopefully, she'll be a great competition horse. :)
But, no regrets. I love Glam.

  • name: Glamour De Jade or Glam or Glamour
  • breed: Selle Francais (purebred)
  • age: 14 at the moment.
  • birthdate: I don't know either, AND WHEN I DO I SHALL POST IT! XD
  • color: dark bay
  • origin: France
  • likes: FOOD. Any food. Flying change, treats, hugs and kisses. I know right. Weird. A lot of thing I haven't figured out yet.
  • dislikes: Anything on the right rein, cameras, tightening of the girth, staying in one place after jumping. Al ot of stuff I haven't figured out yet.
  • friends: She doesn't like Twist either. It's kind of funny. They both don't like each other. :D. I think she's friends with everyone. She likes company.
Yeah, so that's it for now. I'm done with my intro. It's time for the others. :) Thanks for viewing Fueled By 3quine. Don't forget to leave a comment and feedback on every post. :) Thanks so much guys! Keep on riding!

Heart, Lilz.