July 7, 2009

DuKaty’s Intro

Hey! Im DuKaty (aka HyperJics). Im writing a quick blog on me and my horses - Katy, Fast (okay, so he’s not mine... he’s my sisters, but I’m competing on him, too), Billy, and Arizona (recently retired, but hes the horse that gave me the idea of this blog). Ive been an equestrian since 2003 at the age of 9. I started competing at 12-years old and LOVIN every bit of it! Im doing .90m regularly, but Im trying to move to 1m. I have competed in 1m, but I havent been doing that well. Hopefully Ill be doing 1m (and maybe 1.10m) this show season. Im a bit too hyper for my own good, but I’m working on that ;)

So, Here are my great horses...

Name: Katy du Pasquier

Stable name: Katy/Kats

Breed: Selle Francais A

Origin: France

Color: Dark Bay

Gender: Mare (and a HOT one!)

Birthdate: April 13, 1998

Barn: Manila Polo Club

Loved since: FOREVER!!!

Likes: Spending time doing nothing, eating, jumping (non-spooky jumps), looking at myself in the mirror in the bullring, dogs, licking people, freaking out, sugar, music with energy, rolling, and all the fun things in life...

Dislikes: Water, rain, showers, water jumps, liver pools, dark corners, LITTLE KIDS, cats, loud noises, jumping lines, cross bars!

My best friend (horse): Fast - Hes my best friend, my neighbor, and my big brother ( no actual blood relation). I can always look up to him. I love being with him. Hes always so much fun... except that time he bit me, that wasnt that great... maybe he shouldnt be my best friend anymore... Nah, I still love

Name: Fast á minuit

Stable name: Fast/Fasty

Breed: Anglo Arab

Origin: France

Color: Chestnut (almost an orange)

Gender: Gelding

Birthdate: I’m not too sure, I know its 1997

Barn: Manila Polo Club

Loved since: Ive been loved since birth

Likes: Peace and quiet

Dislikes: Spurs, people in my stall, and Katy trying to play with me while I’m eating

Name: Roman Kid

Stable name: Billy

Breed: Thoroughbred (I used to be a racehorse)

Birthdate: October 1997

Gender: Gelding

Origin: Australia

Color: Bay

Barn: Manila Polo Club

Likes: Rolling people off, eating everything but apples, shying from jumps, and doing nothing

Dislikes: Apples, getting shod (Its such a waste of time), spurs, and the color BLUE

Name: Arizona

Former name: Sapphira

Breed: Oldenburg

Birthdate: I dont know, someone lost my passport a long time ago, but Im retired so that says something

Gender: Gelding

Color: Chestnut

Barn: Tagaytay Highlands ( My new home)

Loved since: Since I met my great people

Likes: Eating all day

Dislikes: Doing work

Story: I came to the Philippines a long time ago, back then I was a dressage horse. Im told I was really good. Ive been though a lot, I was abandoned once, I developed arthritis, and even had to take care of little unexperienced kids. Ive had a long life, and now Im happy permanently out to pasture. Im thankful for all the experiences of my life whether up or down.

Each of these horses have been a blessing to me. They have each taught me very important things, not just in riding but also in life. I love them so much!!!



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