Its DuKaty again. I know I didn't post anything for a looOOOong time, so I'm trying to make up for it now. Plus someone *hint hint* keeps telling us that we don't have enough posts.
Okay, so lately, someone asked me about the highest a horse a

nd rider had ever jumped. There are 2 records of the highest horse jump. 1 the "unofficial jump" (1st pic) and 2 the "official jump"(2nd pic). The unofficial one ( 8ft. 3 1/2in. or 2.55m) is a bit higher that the official, and was even photographed, but sadly there were too few spectators. I'm going to be referring to the official one here, which is equally AWESOME! I'd seen a video of it on YouTube a while back, but hadn't been able to find it. Well, now I have!
There are a few videos on the "highest horse jump" , but most of

them are only slideshows and pics. This is the link:
It's amazing! I wish I could do that. One day, heeheehee!
Okay, so details... Um, the horse's name in Huaso, the rider's Captain Alberton Larraguibel Morales. Together, they were able to jump 8ft. 1 1/4 in. or 2.47m. on February 5th, 1949.
I can't write a whole lot of details on them, because this entry would have to be 3 pages long at least. So, if you want to find out more, just Google it. I'm sure you'll find it.
Well, that's all!
P.S. Who wants a 6 bar event? I do. I want to suggest a 6 bar event for one weekend. It'll be sooo much fun! In case you're wondering what a 6 bar event is, it's like a regular show, but instead of a regular course we'll have 6 jumps in a like set 2 strides apart. And with ever jump, the height increases. I don't really think we can have one that's fabulously high, but we at least need to try it! I heard it's really great. Another thing we can do is have a puissance - that's when riders try to jump higher than each other over an obstacle. K, that's it I think. Bye AGAIN!!